Thursday, March 27, 2008

Those Who Work for Equity and Justice...

Submitted by :

Dr. Howard Thurman was and is considered by many the spiritual father of the Civil Rights Movement. Dr. Thurman was a mentor to Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., a man who was considered a radical and unpatriotic by many. Dr. Thurman's was a prolific writer and author and served as the Dean of Rankin Chapel at Howard University from 1932 - 1944. Dr. Thurman founded the first racially integrated, intercultural church in the United States.

One of Dr. Thurman's most famous books is Jesus and the Disinherited. It is said that Dr. King carried this book with him as he led marches and demonstrations.

What follows are some excerpts from Jesus and the Disinherited and a pastoral statement by Reverend William Watley of St. James AME Church in Newark, New Jersey concerning Barack Obama and Dr. Jeremiah Wright. I hope that those who profess a desire for justice, equity, equality for all will pick up a copy of Jesus and the Disinherited, no matter your own personal faith, and I hope that you will encourage MORE discourse that's been raised recently due to the Dr. Wright / Barack Obama discussion. I am also attaching an article I found recently that is somewhat personal. The article describes the plight of the law firm Jordan, Dawley, and Holt in which my late uncle was a partner.

Finally I ask you to consider why it is that the words of one preacher create so much outrage but public policy in many Hampton Roads cities that concentrates poverty, racially segregates schools, and fosters class division rather than inclusion seems to escape our attention. The progress made in our country the past 40 years came with great, struggle, sacrifice, and even death. Hopefully as Americans we will do a better job of discussing our history which can then lead to a more positive discussion of our present and our progress in the future still to be had.

Rodney Jordan

From Jesus & The Disinherited, first published in 1949:

The solution which Jesus found for himself and for Israel, as they faced the hostility of the Greco-Roman world, becomes the word and the work of redemption for all the cast-down people in every generation and in every age. I mean this quite literally. I do not ignore the theological and metaphysical interpretation of the Christian doctrine of salvation. But the underprivileged everywhere have long since abandoned any hope that this type of salvation deals with the critical issues by which their days are turned into despair without consolation. The basic fact is that Christianity as it was born in the mind of this Jewish teacher and thinker appears as a technique of survival for the oppressed. That it became, through the intervening years, a religion of the powerful and the dominant, used sometimes as an instrument of oppression, must not tempt us into believing that it was thus in the mind and life of Jesus. "In him was life; and that life was the light of men." Wherever his spirit appears, the oppressed gather fresh courage; for he announced the good news that fear, hypocrisy, and hatred, the three hounds of hell that track the trail of the disinherited, need have no dominion over them.

I belong to a generation that finds very little that is meaningful or intelligent in the teaching of the Church concerning Jesus Christ. It is a generation largely in revolt because of the general impression that Christianity is essentially an other-worldly religion having as its motto: "Take all the world, but give me Jesus." The desperate opposition to Christianity rests in the fact that it seems, in the last analysis, to be a betrayal of the Negro into the hands of his enemies by focusing attention upon heaven, forgiveness, love, and the like. It is true that this emphasis is germane to the religion of Jesus, but it has to be put into a context that will show its strength and vitality rather than its weakness and failure. For years it has been a part of my own quest to understand the religion of Jesus that interest in his way of life could be developed and sustained by intelligent men and women who were at the same time deeply victimized by the Christian Church's betrayal of his faith...

...During much of my boyhood I was cared for by my grandmother, who was born a slave and lived until the Civil War on a plantation near Madison, Florida. My regular chore was to do all the reading for my grandmother -- she could neither read nor write. ...When I was older and was half through college, I chanced to be spending a few days at home near the end of summer vacation. With a feeling of great temerity I asked her one day why it was that she would not let me read any of the Pauline letters. What she told me I shall never forget. "During the days of slavery," she said, "the master's minister would occasionally hold services for the slaves. Old Man McGhee was so mean that he would not let a Negro minister preach to his slaves. Always the white minister used as his text something from Paul. At least three or four times a year he used as a text: `Slaves, be obedient to them that are your masters..., as unto Christ.' Then he would go on to show how it was God's will that we were slaves and how, if we were good and happy slaves, God would bless us. I promised my Maker that if I ever learned to read and if freedom ever came, I would not read that part of the Bible."

[Rodney] How many still feel that if Blacks in America would just be good and happy, be thankful for merely having a presence in this wonderful country that we built and provided leadership to -- even under inequitable circumstances -- that God and "the mainstream" will accept and bless us? Stay away from "controversy." Be good and quiet and benefactors will "bless" you and support you.

Pastoral Statement Regarding the Ministry and Witness of
Trinity United Church of Christ in Chicago, Il,
Dr. Jeremiah Wright and Senator Barak Obama

Delivered to
St. James African Methodist Episcopal Church,
Newark New Jersey
Sunday, March 16, 2008

William D. Watley, Senior Pastor

Since his bid for the presidency of the United States, the membership of Senator Barak Obama of Trinity United Church of Christ in Chicago and his friendship with his former pastor, Dr. Jeremiah Wright, have been made campaign issues and given full blown coverage in the media during the past week. I would like make several points regarding this much publicized ancillary issue with its incendiary and biased reporting that has the potential of sidetracking the American public from real survival subject matters that face this country.
First, regarding Dr. Jeremiah Wright and Trinity Church: I have personally known Dr. Wright for a number of years and even though we do not agree on everything, I most certainly take issue and umbrage with the image that is being painted of him by much of the media. In spite of the snippets that have been played over and over again from his sermons, and the spin given to it, I can assure you that Dr. Wright is solid, sane, scholarly, and spiritual. Trinity Church, in my opinion, is one of the most respected, progressive, inclusive, and significant houses of worship in this nation. Senator Obama worships in a stable, sound, nurturing, and prophetic Christian community and his pastor brings a solid and sane word to his congregation. He has no reason to be ashamed or apologetic of either his pastor or his church.
While some would interpret Trinity’s slogan of “Unapologetically Black and Unashamedly Christian” as racist, no one labels the Roman Catholic Church, the Greek Orthodox Church, the Dutch Reformed Church or the American Baptist Church as such. And they should not be given such a label. No one raises any eyebrows when they hear the expression German Lutheran. Trinity United Church of Christ should not be classified in this way. They are ethnically affirming the community they serve just as the African Methodist Episcopal Church (a denomination which split from the Methodist Church over the issues of slavery and racism) is affirming of its members. Celebrating ethnic heritage or national affiliation is not racism, but a way of affirming historic identity.
Could it be possible that even in this post modern era of exploding myths and falling idols, many are still paranoid at the mention of the word “black”? The hysteria that certain persons and portions of the media are attempting to create stems from the fact that there are significant elements in our society and culture are still just as mortified at the mention of the word “black” today as they were in 1968 when popular singer James Brown shouted, “Say it Loud! I’m Black and I’m Proud!” Only those who have been victims of centuries of caricaturing and stereotyping can understand and appreciate the declaration of positive black identity, not as a divisive strategy or as an expression of hate, but as pastoral self love and a much needed corrective to a tragic history of ingrained self-rejection.
Secondly, I would like to say a word about freedom of speech. While we as a country celebrate freedom of speech, we are still uncomfortable with those who take the freedom of speech seriously enough to critique the policies of our nation that contradict our founding principles. These persons are labeled as unpatriotic. Rather than being offended by critique, I look beyond rhetorical flourishes and excesses that are inherent to oratory of whatever ilk, whether religious, political, business, and academic, and ask if the essence of what is being said is true. The reality is this, what Dr. Martin Luther King said years ago, still rings true. Our country that started out as a defender of select poor, since the rights of Africans were never part of the equation, has been on the wrong side of a world revolution for years. I am personally uncomfortable with members of clergy who never offer any word of critique regarding social justice issues and who swallow hook, line, and sinker anything that the conservative right sells no matter what the nefarious implications of that agenda might be. Freedom of speech means the right to be critical and criticism is not to be associated with being unpatriotic.
Third, I would point out that while many are offended by some of Dr. Wright’s comments and analyses of this country, I wonder if they have read closely the preaching of Isaiah, Jeremiah, Amos, Obadiah, Zephaniah, Haggai, John the Baptist, and the Lord Jesus Christ. Many of the Old Testament prophets called for the judgment of God on their people. Our Lord Jesus Christ had prophetic bite and righteous indignation regarding injustice. Unless news commentators have truly studied the scriptures, they are not qualified to understand or judge prophetic critique.
Fourth, African Americans who look at history from the underside, have a different perspective of reality than others who have been in a position of majority advantage. White America has yet to understand or appreciate that perspective or to really grasp the sense of alienation that a number of blacks feel based upon this country’s historic and institutional treatment of us. Yet in spite of this country’s track record with us we have fought in all of its wars, paid our taxes, and never failed our country when we have been called upon to rally to its defense.
Fifth, this latest foray of the media into the religious affiliation of Barak Obama is just another attempt to discredit him and separate him from the interracial and intergenerational constituency that has given him victory after victory in this presidential contest. In the opinion of this preacher and citizen, he is still a major unifying force and voice of hope, among others, for a new, brighter, and better America. While we will all make our decisions regarding a presidential choice, I would just caution all people not to believe the hype of a sensationalistic media whose agenda is not an accurate reporting of the news but the spinning of news in ways that attract the most attention, sells the most products, and brings in the greatest profit. While some in the media may be uncomfortable with the tone of preaching that takes place in a number of churches, there are many others who are offended with the way much of the media spins stories out of context and intentionally omits information because for them, as long as it sells, it is simply business as usual.
Now is the time for all of us who are concerned and passionate about the future of this nation to declare, “Business as usual is no longer acceptable!” Now is the time for change. The words of Deutero-Isaiah spoken so long ago in another context to another people, can serve as our rallying cry for America. He said, “For Zion’s sake I will not keep silent, and for Jerusalem’s sake I will not rest, until her vindication shines out like the dawn, and her salvation like a burning torch” (Isaiah 62: 1, NRSV). So let each of us say, “For [America’s] sake I will not keep silent, and for [this nations’] sake I will not rest, until her vindication shines out like the dawn, and her salvation like a burning torch.”

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Saying the 'Wright' thing the wrong way...

I've read Dr. Wright's materials for a while now, possibly for over seven years now. My father, a U.C.C. minister has told me repeatedly for the last 10 or so years "You would like Dr. Wright, he speaks in a manner that would probably get you back into church." I had a chance to hear him as the nation a sound byte. After listening to Rush Limbaugh for over 16 years Rush kinda' trains one not to listen to a sound byte and make a decision. After listening to The Honorable L. Farrakhan for over 30 years I've learned not to juge one by a sound byte.

I've heard and studied on our nations terrorist acts and support of terrorists in Russia and in other areas of the world. I've studied the documents that link the spread of Aids in Africa to shortly after the mass vaccinations during Jimmy Carter's regime. I've heard others use, and I've used the term United Snakes of America and U.S.KKK-A when describing some of the our nation's most devilish moments. When 911 occurred, during and after my grieving for the innocent ancestors that were made immediately I noted and heard in conversations that "America's chickens are coming home to roost" (a throw-back from Malik El Shabazz) due to some of the acts our government has become involved in. With all of these things people of African and Indian descent in America have always loved and hated aspects of our country simultaneously. I learned years ago that many Whites would not be able to separate the attacks upon white supremacy from seeming to be an attack upon whites. We learned years ago that many Americans would not be able to separate the attacks upon America's difficulties from seeming to be an attack upon America.

Wright is being labeled as a separatist as a member of a Christian denomination that promotes inclusion under Christ. Dr. Wright is being presented as anti-American after serving his country in the military and while he has preached the American values that has made our country the country that it is. I even heard Sean Hannity (incorrectly in my opinion) use the term Anti-Semite when describing some of Wright's statements.

I listen to Sean Hannity almost every weekday (due to Black and Rhythm radio sucking in my area) and any fuel for the "Stop Obama or Hillary Express" is good fuel for hosts such as Hannity; I do realize he speaks for a segment of America who do not feel responsible for past actions, who do not feel necessarily superior or privileged because of their ancestorship and truly don't want anyone to be handicapped or helped due to ones ancestorship. I admire his position against any type of oppression based upon race. I understand how one may feel seperated from and attacked when our use of the word 'Black' peppers our language. Trinity U.C.C.'s honorable usage of "We are a congregation which is Unashamedly Black and Unapologetically Christian... Our roots in the Black religious experience and tradition are deep, lasting and permanent. We are an African people, and remain "true to our native land," the mother continent, the cradle of civilization." may sound like music to my African-centered ears, is also is ear-aching experience to American's who wish to "get past" America's original sin. Hannity and his "a-alikes" (Peace 7's) regard our liberation theology as a slap-in-the-face movement away from the America they have been instrumental in changing. I realize it took both Dr. King (may his memory be blessed) and the reigning President to effect change in the our country. Civil rights legislation needed Black & White decision makers to enact the laws. Making the right statement in the wrong way will undermine us currently. We must, however, ensure that our ferverent speakers and activists are protected, served, and supported. As Hannity might say, we must support the troops ! Tell the agent of change next to you "We got'cha back soldier. We can no more distance ourselves from you than we can from our community. We will beat that tail if needed though !"

As we continue to teach the truth about our experiences and history as people of African descent I encourage us to consider how we say what we say. We have a nation to reach. We cannot allow our messages to be diluted nor misconstrued. We will need to walk the balance. Dr. Wright's substance was reduced due to his stylings. He, however, has built a great membership due in part to his stylings. We do have, more in stake, than membership. We are tasked to improve our world. Let us not be fooled. As we learn from Dr. Wright, Ashra Kwesi, Dr. Ben, and others let us use these 'words of change' (revolutionary) in a manner that will not distract from the change we are making/engaging-in/following.

We have reached another point in America's development where we are the difference that needs to be made to improve the world. This nation follows our fashion, our terminology, and dances, our music, and our values. I am of the opinion that we cannot fully separate ourselves from the history or future of this nation. The old gate-keepers have lost some of their footing, it's time for us to improve ourselves to improve the world. This is the Black Improvement Movement signing on.

May the world be improved by our actions.
May the ancestors be pleased.

Seko VArner
The Imani Foundation

Since this post I've found these videos of Dr. Wright.
Hillary ain't never been called a N-word...
America's chickens are coming to roost...

Sunday, March 16, 2008


Is It True ? (What they say about Black People )

Online book for teens of Afrikan descent (click above for a FREE copy):

This is the question that is asked in the new success guide geared toward black teenagers and their parents. The book, Is It True What They Say About Black People?, is designed to teach black teenagers to critically think about the messages they are receiving from society and the media.

Are black people lazy? Are black people always late? Are black people more violent than other races? Are the wealthiest black people in sports and music? The answers appear obvious; unfortunately, many black teenagers regardless of economic or social status buy into negative stereotypes about their race which in turn negatively affects their path in life. What causes these misperceptions to be seen as truth? Parents, society, and the media all play a role in the development of a child. A study was featured in Essence magazine in March of 2005 proving that one of the strongest influences on perceptions and opinions of teenagers is the media. In a world where teenagers consume messages pertaining to black people from radio, TV, movies, and the internet, most messages about black people are negative. The result is far too many young black men want to be players and pimps. In addition, many young black women are buying into the idea of being eye candy for "the player," focusing far too much on superficial things like expensive clothes, jewelry, and having "baby daddies" instead of fathers for their children. Some black children even believe going to prison is a rite-of-passage and carrying a gun makes you a man.

The information found in the pages of this book will equip black children and their parents with the tools to decipher stereotypes from facts and hype from reality. The book is intended to spark conversations between Black teenagers and adults about what is true about their race. will inform our kids about the new slavery and why our black boys are signing up to be slaves. The book will also break down the real reason for school, "It's not all about A's and B's." As a child reads through the pages of this book, he or she will be given the tools to beat peer pressure, achieve in school, and be a leader. Reviews for the book have been amazing.